Here are some boats, before the winter takes hold. These are so we have something to think about when the rivers are locked with ice. Some images to keep us warm through the coming months.
These were taken in October during the Head of the Charles race. It is an annual race which attracts rowers from all over the world. The sailboats were out in force also.
My name is Stephen Siteman and this is my foray into blogging about my experience as a photographer. I am located in Boston MA, USA. I hope to use this site to bring a bit of the world as I see it, to whoever happens across my little corner of the internet. I got my first camera when I was 8 or 9 years old. It was a Pentax K1000. I have been making photos ever since.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
How to make... Banana Bread.
Banana Bread Recipe.
You will need:
1 egg
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. butter (1/2 a stick), or margarine, at room temperature
3 bananas, mashed fine
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract (I always add more than this. I throw a dash or two into the bananas after mashing to help bring out the flavor - don't go overboard though.)
1 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
crushed walnuts to your personal taste
What to do: first thing, set your oven to 350 degrees F. This is at sea level. Then mash your bananas with a fork in a bowl. The bananas should be almost overripe. I usually wait until the skin has started to go brown. This is the step in which I throw in a little extra vanilla extract. Set the bananas aside.
add 3/4 cup of sugar and the egg to the large mixing bowl.
using the back of a wooden spoon cream the egg, sugar, and butter. You do this by basically scraping all of the ingredients together using the back of the spoon. This allows bubbles to form in the butter. If you have never creamed butter by hand, you are in for a treat. Oh, by a treat I mean pain. If it hurts, you are doing it right... or wrong. You could really just be hurting yourself. So be careful. If your wrist starts getting really sore, stop. Take a rest. Seriously, do not hurt yourself. Banana bread is great but not worth spending the rest of your life in pain over, due to a chronic bread-induced injury.
It should look something like this when you are done:
add the bananas and 1 tsp of vanilla. mix everything together well.
scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl to make sure everything is well mixed. You want to do this now because you do not want to over-mix the dry ingredients. This is what it should look like when you have finished (approximately that is).
Now for your dry ingredients :
1 1/2 cups of flour, 1 tsp baking soda (not baking powder), and a 1/4 tsp of salt.
Run them through a sifter.
I just go a head and sift them right on top of the wet ingredients in the mixing bowl. It makes for a much less messy process.
(At this point you can add walnuts, or chocolate chips, or whatever you like in your banana bread)
Mix the ingredients together. Start slowly! You do not want flour flying out of the bowl onto you, the counter, your pants, your hair, etc....
Right about when the ingredients stat to come together, I usually scrape down the sides of the bowl with the back of the spoon. You do not want to go crazy with the mixing. Once they are all mixed together and you do not see any more dry flour, STOP! Otherwise, you will end up with terrible banana bread.
Grease up the bottom and sides of your bread pan.
Turn the ingredients into the pan. I usually let gravity take effect and let it fall into the pan. I just move the bowl back and forth down the length of the pan as the batter comes out. Then I use the back of the spoon to even out the batter in the pan and make sure it gets into the corners. Again, and I cannot stress this enough, do not mess around with it too much.
Place the pan in the middle of your preheated oven.Bake for 45-50 minutes. You will know it is done when a clean, dry toothpick or butter knife, inserted into the middle of the loaf, comes out clean. Do not keep opening the oven to check on it during the cooking process. This will let all your heat our and it will take longer to cook. In my oven it takes about 50 minutes and I don't check it until around 47minutes.
Take the loaf out of the oven. Do not touch the pan, it's hot. Place on a wire rack to cool. Alternately, in the case of not having any idea where your wire racks seem to have gone, you can press tin foil over the burners of your stove and place it there to cool.
***Wait till it cools before slicing into it: it is hot. It is burn-your-mouth-hot. I cannot stress this enough. Touching hot things with bare skin and eating piping hot banana bread may seem like a good idea, but it is not. trust me. This comes from experience. I cannot be held liable if you do not listen to this warning. It hurts. A lot. I am speaking from experience. ***
When you are done, and it cools, you can use the tinfoil to wrap it up and enjoy. I don't know how long it will stay fresh. I have never had it stick around long enough to go bad.
from The Grange Cookbook Recipe by: Mildred Lund of Pembroke ME
You will need:
1 egg
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. butter (1/2 a stick), or margarine, at room temperature
3 bananas, mashed fine
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract (I always add more than this. I throw a dash or two into the bananas after mashing to help bring out the flavor - don't go overboard though.)
1 1/2 c. flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
crushed walnuts to your personal taste
What to do: first thing, set your oven to 350 degrees F. This is at sea level. Then mash your bananas with a fork in a bowl. The bananas should be almost overripe. I usually wait until the skin has started to go brown. This is the step in which I throw in a little extra vanilla extract. Set the bananas aside.
Take one egg, crack it open and beat it in a bowl.
add 3/4 cup of sugar and the egg to the large mixing bowl.

You do not have to use a wooden spoon. You can use a stand mixer. You can also run red lights in a car, in front of a police officer. I wouldn't really do either of those things. :)
It should look something like this when you are done:
add the bananas and 1 tsp of vanilla. mix everything together well.
scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl to make sure everything is well mixed. You want to do this now because you do not want to over-mix the dry ingredients. This is what it should look like when you have finished (approximately that is).
Now for your dry ingredients :
1 1/2 cups of flour, 1 tsp baking soda (not baking powder), and a 1/4 tsp of salt.
Run them through a sifter.
I just go a head and sift them right on top of the wet ingredients in the mixing bowl. It makes for a much less messy process.
(At this point you can add walnuts, or chocolate chips, or whatever you like in your banana bread)
Right about when the ingredients stat to come together, I usually scrape down the sides of the bowl with the back of the spoon. You do not want to go crazy with the mixing. Once they are all mixed together and you do not see any more dry flour, STOP! Otherwise, you will end up with terrible banana bread.
Grease up the bottom and sides of your bread pan.

When you are done, and it cools, you can use the tinfoil to wrap it up and enjoy. I don't know how long it will stay fresh. I have never had it stick around long enough to go bad.
from The Grange Cookbook Recipe by: Mildred Lund of Pembroke ME
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Chess and candy.
More photos.
This set of photos was taken at my job on my day off. Someone has a glass chess set and another photographer and I were messing around waiting to assist one of our student employees with a computer issue. So we set up our cameras, got out my flash and gels, and here is what we came up with:
Lit with a Canon 580 EXII. It is lit from the back to the left at about a 45 degree angle, red gel. The speedlite is powered down to about 1/16. The shutter speed is set to bring the ambient light way down. This was a brightly lit room with florescent lighting.
Same as above. Focus is on the front king. Speedlite is raised somewhat above the pieces which gives the highlight at the front of the piece. The light is shooting through the pieces.
The next two photos are shot from below. The Speedlite was placed on the floor and shot up through a gap which the set was suspended over. The shutter speed was brought down to almost kill the ambient light in the room. Blue and red gels respectively. I use Honl gels with a Honl speedstrap.
This set of photos was taken at my job on my day off. Someone has a glass chess set and another photographer and I were messing around waiting to assist one of our student employees with a computer issue. So we set up our cameras, got out my flash and gels, and here is what we came up with:
Lit with a Canon 580 EXII. It is lit from the back to the left at about a 45 degree angle, red gel. The speedlite is powered down to about 1/16. The shutter speed is set to bring the ambient light way down. This was a brightly lit room with florescent lighting.
Same as above. Focus is on the front king. Speedlite is raised somewhat above the pieces which gives the highlight at the front of the piece. The light is shooting through the pieces.
The next two photos are shot from below. The Speedlite was placed on the floor and shot up through a gap which the set was suspended over. The shutter speed was brought down to almost kill the ambient light in the room. Blue and red gels respectively. I use Honl gels with a Honl speedstrap.
It's been a while.
It has been a while since I have updated this blog. I apologize about that. I have been busy. I was assisting another photographer. I was doing my own shoots. I was working at my day job. I have about a month's worth of photos that I have edited and put on my facebook page: StephenSitemanPhotography .
Since it is October, I figure I will share some autumn shots. The first few shots are along the Charles River in Boston.
The rest are Newbury St.
Well I hope you enjoyed these. As always please leave any comments below. Also, I would love to see your autumn shots and maybe a little story about them. Leave a link below.
It has been a while since I have updated this blog. I apologize about that. I have been busy. I was assisting another photographer. I was doing my own shoots. I was working at my day job. I have about a month's worth of photos that I have edited and put on my facebook page: StephenSitemanPhotography .
Since it is October, I figure I will share some autumn shots. The first few shots are along the Charles River in Boston.
The rest are Newbury St.
Well I hope you enjoyed these. As always please leave any comments below. Also, I would love to see your autumn shots and maybe a little story about them. Leave a link below.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Shadows of September and other things...
September Morn'
Flight of the honeybee pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3
reflections in the waves, spark my memories
New England Steeple
Shadows of September
Not a lot of words today. Just images. It's been a long couple of weeks and I am tired. Hope you enjoy.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
the cave
Today I am doing something different. I am just going to throw my words against the wall of this blog on the internet and see what sticks. Maybe I'll reach someone out there, maybe I won't. But it is a chance we take.
I was watching redefine with Tamara Lackey today. It is a show about redefining photography, etc. It's a good show that I found on the Adorama Learning Center. There are a lot of good shows on there and a lot of good info on photography. But I digress. Back to my point.
Tamara was interviewing Dane Sanders. Here is a link to the episode: . It's worth checking out. At one point they begin to talk about philosophy. It is an interest of mine, so when it came up my ears pricked up and I paid attention. They mention Plato's allegory of the cave. Anyone who has studied Plato has probably come across this. Tamara and Dane talk about the allegory and the shadows and how illusion is seen as reality. Then Tamara says something which struck a chord with-in my mind. I am paraphrasing a bit but basically she said 'that reality is happening behind you and if you would just turn around you can experience it, but only the insane people are the ones who do.'
This got me thinking. How many of us are still living in the cave? Have we deceived ourselves into thinking that we are free from it? What can you do to free yourself from the world of illusion and truly exist?
So I am laying down the gauntlet. I am putting forth a challenge. Today, do something to break the chains which bind you in Plato's cave and see the illusion for what it is. Turn around and face, experience, reality.
Let me know what you come up with. I am going to go outside with my camera and take some photos. I hope you are able to find something worthy to spend your fleeting time doing.
And, because this is a photography page:
I was watching redefine with Tamara Lackey today. It is a show about redefining photography, etc. It's a good show that I found on the Adorama Learning Center. There are a lot of good shows on there and a lot of good info on photography. But I digress. Back to my point.
Tamara was interviewing Dane Sanders. Here is a link to the episode: . It's worth checking out. At one point they begin to talk about philosophy. It is an interest of mine, so when it came up my ears pricked up and I paid attention. They mention Plato's allegory of the cave. Anyone who has studied Plato has probably come across this. Tamara and Dane talk about the allegory and the shadows and how illusion is seen as reality. Then Tamara says something which struck a chord with-in my mind. I am paraphrasing a bit but basically she said 'that reality is happening behind you and if you would just turn around you can experience it, but only the insane people are the ones who do.'
This got me thinking. How many of us are still living in the cave? Have we deceived ourselves into thinking that we are free from it? What can you do to free yourself from the world of illusion and truly exist?
So I am laying down the gauntlet. I am putting forth a challenge. Today, do something to break the chains which bind you in Plato's cave and see the illusion for what it is. Turn around and face, experience, reality.
Let me know what you come up with. I am going to go outside with my camera and take some photos. I hope you are able to find something worthy to spend your fleeting time doing.
And, because this is a photography page:
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Gestalt and the lightness of being.
So I have another entry. One of my new favorite photos is in this batch. It is my first attempt at doing Gestalt photography on purpose. I have done it many times in the past, however never on purpose. For those reading this, gestalt is basically an unfinished thing or idea. So the image is unfinished. it breaks the rules of photography by cutting off the image. It makes your mind work at finishing the photo itself instead of being force fed what I want you to see. You become an active part of the process as opposed to a passive viewer.
Also i broke the rules further by cutting off in a place where most people would growl at me and shake their fists. But I don't care. It's where I wanted the image to cut off. I find it creates a feeling of tension. at least I think so.
So without further ado... my new batch of photos.
Also i broke the rules further by cutting off in a place where most people would growl at me and shake their fists. But I don't care. It's where I wanted the image to cut off. I find it creates a feeling of tension. at least I think so.
So without further ado... my new batch of photos.
I like it so much I did it in B&W:
This is roxy. She's keeping an eye on things here.
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